Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Telling the truth

It seem that in personal relationships people relay on the truth. It seems that individuals expect the truth. They want from each other the truth. In some instances, its the mind frame to "just know". But if you hear from everyone you encounter especially your loved ones, is knowing the truth all the time a good thing? How does it impact your future? How will it make you feel? Will it change your decision and maybe influence your behavior? I feel that there are alot of conflict based relations with individuals based on wanting to know. For instance, if you are in a committed relationship and you feel like something isnt right. What do you do? Do you ask for the truth? And if the the truth is something that will result in hurting your feelings and causing you pain, did you really wqant to know? However, on the recievers end-- Is telling the truth a good thing? Do you want to cause pain to the peron who you care about? How will it effect your future relations with that person. If you never say anything will the results still be the same? These questions rise important brain storming issues. They are issues we deal with every day with basically every person you deal with on a constant level. So if you meet new people should you always just start off on always speaking the truth? So that way you have a clear conscience and give off a sense of reality with both yourself and the other individual. If you start a relationship off on the whole truth "keeping it real" than you will never develop a sence of false hope on eaither end. Because in real life you have been keeping it real right?


  1. i love this because I completely agree. In my opinion though the truth does hurt but a lie is worse. For example I asked my ex-boyfriend if he had cheated on me and he had lied and said no...and my dumbass believed him then a couple months later I caught him cheating...If he had just told me the truth from jump eventhough it still would have hurt...it would have prevented more pain in the later situation when i caught him cheating because that would have never happened. (because i would have dumped him the first time lol)soooo... we should always keep it real. lol

  2. It makes me mad when people lie, especially my friends. I have this friend who is a liar. I don’t think that he has ever told me something that I believe. He lies all the time and sometimes makes me think that he doesn’t respect me. He currently does not go to college and told me that he had to leave because he had to attend his test preparation class. Me and my other friends looked at eachother and started laughing. What?! Are you being serious? However I have become used to his antics and just laugh it off, because it really is funny.
